Wednesday 29 July 2015

University of Cincinnati Police Officer Indicted for Murder in Death of Samuel Dubose.

The white University of Cincinnati police officer who shot unarmed black man
Samuel Dubose during a traffic stop has been indicted on a murder charge, a
prosecutor announced Wednesday, saying the cop "purposely" killed the
motorist and "should never have been a police officer."
In announcing the charge against officer Ray Tensing, Hamilton County
prosecutor Joe Deters lambasted the cop over the death of Dubose, 43, saying
the fatal shooting was "the most asinine act I've ever seen a police officer

Dubose was pulled over July 19 for having a missing front license plate.
During the news conference, prosecutors played footage from Tensing's body
The recording shows the officer asking Dubose about a bottle he sees on the
floor of his car, and Dubose hands it to him. (Officials have previously said it
was a bottle of alcohol.) He then asks Dubose several times if he has his
license on him.

Dubose asks what he's being pulled over for. He tells the officer he has a
license, but it's not on him.
After Tensing asks him if his license is suspended, a short scuffle ensues. A few
seconds later, Dubose is shot in the head while still behind the wheel of a car.
Dubose, a father of 10, was "dead instantly," Deters said.

At that point, the car starts rolling — likely because Dubose's body hit the gas,
he added.
"He wasn't dealing with someone who was wanted for murder, OK? He was
dealing with someone who didn't have a front license plate," Deters said of
Tensing. "I mean, this is, in the vernacular, a pretty chicken-crap stop, all right?
And — I could use harsher words."

He added that even if Dubose was starting to "roll away," he should have just
let him go.
"I mean, you don't have to shoot him in the head. And that's what happened,"
Deters added.

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