Tuesday 16 June 2015

The Dominican Republic Passed A NEW LAW TODAY . . . Which Strips MOST BLACK PEOPLE . . . Of Their Citizenship!!!

 The Domician Republic's new "social cleansing" program goes into effect today. The program is set to REVOKE THE CITIZENSHIP . .. Of 250,000 BLACK DOMINICANS . . . and make them stateless.
Here is how the program is being DESCRIBED by the Los Angeles Times:
    Dominicans born after 1929 to parents who are not of Dominican ancestry are to have their citizenship revoked. The ruling affects an estimated 250,000 Dominican people of Haitian descent, including many who have had no personal connection with Haiti for several generations.
    These Dominican citizens are suddenly stateless and without rights simply because of their Haitian ancestry. Dominican animosity and racial hatred of Haitians dates back to at least 1822, when the Haitian army invaded the Dominican Republic, liberated the slaves and encouraged free blacks from the United States to settle there to make Dominicans "blacker." February 27, Dominican Independence Day, does not celebrate independence from Spain but independence from Haiti in 1844. On that day a nation that banned slavery and welcomed a diverse population was founded, but the people have been arguing about that diversity ever since.
    In 1912, the Dominican government passed laws restricting the number of black-skinned people who could enter the country, but the sugar companies ignored the restrictions. Unscrupulous elite Dominicans looking for cheap labor for the mills brought in most of the Haitians. Those early laborers were kept in barracks lacking basic amenities and were deprived of all civil rights. It is mostly their offspring who are affected by the new ruling.

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