Thursday 18 June 2015

Shocking Update: South Carolina mass murderer admits to being part of a "WHITE TERRORIST GROUP"!!

UPDATE: learned that a WITNESS TO THE SHOOTINGS says that before Dylann Storm Roof opened fire on a church filled with Black people, he stood up calmly and said, "I've been sent to KILL BLACK PEOPLE." After he uttered those HATEFUL WORDS - he obeyed his orders and opened FIRE!! just received a report from two LOCAL SOUTH CAROLINA REPORTERS - that Dylann Storm Roof, the man that is being called the a 'WHITE TERRORIST' has been captured by police. We're also told that police sources believe that the WHITE TERRORIST was not ALONE . . . and they suspect more MURDERS of innocent Black people may be IMMINENT. It's not clear whether they believe that ONLY Black people in South Carolina are targets . . . or Black people NATIONWIDE.
Police are calling this a RACIAL HATE CRIME - and it is one of the most BRUTAL TERRORIST ACTS in the history of the South. But be prepared for more. One of our snitches in South Carolina media told, "No one wants to start a panic, but this may be part of a coordinated terrorist plot to murder Black people. These [White Supremacists] are terrorists like ISIS, and they could be planning a coordinated attack [on Black People]."
Our sources, who ALL WORK IN MEDIA, told that their CORPORATE BOSSES are waiting to publish the articles they wrote - outlining the POTENTIAL THREAT to Black people nationwide. They felt that this reporting COULDN'T WAIT, so they leaked their findings to us.
Right now police are looking for the man ABOVE, who they suspect is the gunman.
Pray for all the families involved, and please BE SAFE out here everyone. #BlackLivesMatter#

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